Sunday, September 27, 2009


Reading 56
I consider that my reading habits are good and understandable. Even thought I don’t talk much in English I do like reading interesting things. Especially when sometimes when something really get my attention I look it up in the computer or either I just go to the library. Since I came to the United States my parents put me in reading programs and I thank them. I thank them because I think it work especially in High School that I meet 3 very especial persons that I will always be thankful to. These 3 persons made me understand the importance of school and those 3 people are Mr. DeAvila, Mrs. Smiles and Mrs. Polanco. I learned a lot from them and learn many new things. I consider myself a fair reader of course there are sometimes words that I cannot pronounce but I think my reading is not bad. Someone that loves to read is my sister she likes to read a lot and sometimes she gets all into it. Also a counselor that I know from High School she would always be reading anything. I grew up learning how to read because of my teachers and counselors. I don’t remember my parents reading to me and neither to my older brothers and sisters until now that they read to my little brothers and that is sometimes. I think I learn to read thanks to many teachers that help me and especially counselors


  1. I really like when you said you thank your parents for putting you in reading programs, other parents would not worry about that. They want what is best for you. Did you ever read to your little brothers and sisters when they were younger? I agreed with you when you said teachers have a lot to do with helping you read that is there job to help us understand the material. I thank my teachers for making me a better reader than what I was before.

  2. I agreed with you when you said you would go to the library or look up in the computer when something gets your attention. I have a personal connection to this as well, because I do the same thing as you do. When I want to know something, I have to look it up right away. How did your teacher and counselor help you to read? What was the first book you read in English?

  3. I like this, when you said even thought I don’t talk much in English u do like reading interesting things. That’s good that you at lease like to read something. I have a personal connection to when you said you were put in reading programs. I was put into them as well and I didn’t think it would help me but it did help me after all. I am glad to hear you learned to read thanks to many of you teachers. I didn’t understand when you said, even thought I don’t talk much in English I do like reading interesting things. If you didn’t talk in English what was your other language.

  4. I agreed with you when you said you would go to the library or look up in the computer when something gets your attention. I have a personal connection to this as well, because I do the same thing as you do. When I want to know something, I have to look it up right away. How did your teacher and counselor help you to read? What was the first book you read in English?

  5. I thought that it is wonderful that you consider yourself as a fair reader. That is just like me. I think that since you go to the library when you dont understand something is very smart and a good decision. what was your other language that you spoke before you spoke english?

  6. I think that its cool that you like to read. Your right when you say that it was nice of your parents to put you in a reading program. Especially when you are not from this country, thats a good way to learn the language. Being able to pronounce different words will come with reading. Don't worry you will be okay in this country.
